
Peace Talks - Eunice Ho

In our interview series, entitled “Peace Talks”, we speak to peacemakers with different backgrounds and life stories, and ask them to share their thoughts and reflections. 

This edition of "Peace Talks" features Eunice Ho from Holy Innocents' High School:


Q: How was your overall experience at the Peacemakers Conference 2018?

My overall experience at Peacemakers was enriching. I wasn’t expecting to learn much but I was wrong. Going to Peacemakers Conference 2018 taught me what mediation is. The facilitators shared their experiences and brought us through the process of mediation. The students from other schools were very approachable too and I’m thankful to have met all these people 🙂


Q: What was the most unforgettable part of the Conference for you?

The most unforgettable part would be the mediation sessions! The sessions were very interesting because everyone was given a chance to be both a mediator and a party. It was truly an eye-opening experience and I will never forget how enthusiastic and fierce the parties were haha!


Q: What is an example of you applying what you learned in the Conference in real life?

When my friends were faced with conflicting issues, they decided to talk it out and I became their mediator. I applied what I learnt from the Conference by asking how both parties felt and led them to talk it out on their own. There were some misunderstandings and I asked both parties to come to a conclusion that both of them could agree on. In the end, they managed to talk it out and became friends again after the "mediation session". Yay!


Q: If you could give one piece of advice to the incoming participants of the Peacemakers Conference 2019, what would you tell them?

It’ll be a fun and fulfilling journey! Go with a mindset of learning new things and you will leave with knowledge that can be used in the future. Remember to have fun and make new friends! It may seem boring but going to the Conference will prove you wrong, I am confident that most of you will enjoy Peacemakers Conference 2019!


Like what you see here? Sign up for the Peacemakers Conference 2019 today!

For more pictures and videos of the Peacemakers Conference 2018, please visit the Peacemakers Facebook Page.

As Singapore’s leading peer mediation experts, Peacemakers has an extensive track record of managing and delivering conflict resolution training for youth at both local and international levels. If you would like to train your youth to better manage conflict, let us know how we can help via email at mediate@peacemakers.sg.

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